• SENSEX 76193.89 355.53 (0.47%)
  • NIFTY 50 23103.95 79.3 (0.34%)
  • GOLD 81413 140 (0.17%)
  • SILVER 99500 -100 (-0.1%)
  • NASDAQ 19756.78 126.58 (0.64%)
  • FTSE 8391.9 90.77 (1.08%)
  • Nikkei 39601.67 573.69 (1.45%)
  • Crude 6572 -5 (-0.08%)
  • USD/INR 86.59 0.01 (0.01%)
  • EURO 89.19 -0.01 (-0.01%)
  • POUND 105.96 -0.02 (-0.02%)
  • YEN 0.56 0.01 (1.79%)

Goal Planning

Whether you are looking forward to a relaxing vacation or eyeing your dream car, all of those require some planning and saving. While you might be earning well enough to achieve these goals, you might not be aware of how to utilize the money to make your dreams a reality. Start investing through smart investing.

At Mayanthi, our experts help you determine your short-term and long-term goals and find the right financing solutions for reaching those goals in the stipulated period. Whether you are looking to reach short-term goals like a lavish vacation, purchasing a car or long-term goals like higher education for your children, putting funds down for their marriage, buying a home or even retirement planning, our experts thoroughly study your profile and provide you with customized planning and investment solutions to make your financial visions come true.

Start hitting those financial goals today. Contact us!