• SENSEX 82978.16 87.22 (0.11%)
  • NIFTY 50 25386.75 30.25 (0.12%)
  • GOLD 75345 -35 (-0.05%)
  • SILVER 89500 3000 (3.35%)
  • NASDAQ 17683.98 114.3 (0.65%)
  • FTSE 8273.09 32.12 (0.39%)
  • Nikkei 36581.76 -251.51 (-0.69%)
  • Crude 6126.00 36 (0.7%)
  • USD/INR 83.9 -0.01 (-0.01%)
  • EURO 93.11 0.07 (0.08%)
  • POUND 110.38 0.01 (0.01%)
  • YEN 0.6 0.01 (1.67%)


We are spilling the tea on this investment plan that allows the investors to choose a specific mutual fund or investment plan that aligns with their goals and risk management capacity, without requiring them to commit to a bulk investing plan in one go. With SIP or Systematic Investment Plans, you can choose and decide to invest in a single plan at regular intervals.

For beginners and new investors who are still unsure about the new age finance and investing, SIP is a viable option as it allows the investor to choose smaller investments at regular intervals rather than putting down a chunk of wealth in one plan at once. The experts at Mayanthi help you decide on your SIP details based on your profile risk and requirements and help you get the dice of financial gain rolling.

Want to explore the world of SIP? Contact us!